2019 Integrated annual report

and consolidated and separate financial statements


African Land African Land Investments Limited
ARC Audit and risk committee
AttAfrica AttAfrica Limited
CFC Controlled foreign company as defined in the South African Income Tax Act 58 of 1962
CUP The group long-term employee incentive scheme/the conditional share plan
ECL Expected credit loss/(es)
EE The Eastern Europe portfolio held through the group's 60% interest in Hystead
FVLCTS Fair value less cost to sell
FVTPL Fair value though profit or loss
Gruppo Gruppo Investments Nigeria Limited
Hyprop Foundation Hyprop Foundation NPC
Hyprop Ikeja Hyprop Ikeja Mall Limited
Hyprop Mauritius Hyprop Investments (Mauritius) Limited
Hyprop Share scheme Hyprop Investments Employee Incentive Scheme Proprietary Limited
Hystead Hystead Limited ( a UK registered company)
Hystead Group Hystead Limited and its subsidiaries
IFRS International Financial Reporting Standards
Ikeja or Ikeja City Mall Ikeja City Mall, a property owned by Gruppo Investments Nigeria Limited
JIBAR The Johannesburg Interbank Average Rate
LIBOR The basic rate of interest used in lending between banks on the London interbank market and also used as a reference for setting the interest rate on other loans
Manda Hill Mauritius Manda Hill Mauritius Limited
OCI Other comprehensive income
PDI PDI Investment Holdings Limited, a co-investor in Hystead
SA The South African portfolio, comprising all South African shopping malls and offices irrespective of size
SAICA South African Institute of Chartered Accountants
SCE Statements of changes in equity
SCF Statements of cash flows
SFP Statements of financial position
SOCI Statements of profit or loss and other comprehensive income
SSA The sub-Saharan Africa portfolio, comprising interests in shopping centres in southern and western Africa, excluding South Africa, held through Hyprop Mauritius, a wholly owned subsidiary
WALE Weighted average lease expiry period in years