Notes to the consolidated financial statements
for the year ended 30 June
- Accounting policies and presentation of consolidated financial statements
- Investment property
- Building appurtenances and tenant installations
- Subsidiaries
- Joint operations
- Investment in joint ventures
- Financial asset
- Financial guarantees
- Other investment
- Loans receivable
- Trade and other receivables
- Cash and cash equivalents
- Non-current assets classified as held-for-sale
- Stated capital
- Reserves
- Foreign currency translation reserve (FCTR)
- Borrowings
- Derivative instruments
- Deferred taxation
- Trade and other payables
- Interest earned
- Interest incurred
- Operating income
- Auditor’s remuneration
- Employee remuneration
- Taxation
- Dividends and distributions
- Earnings per share
- Notes to the statement of cash flows
- Commitments
- Minimum lease payments receivable
- Retirement benefits
- Related-parties and related-party transactions
- Financial instruments – fair values and risk management
- Capital management
- Events after the reporting date